On-Demand | Cost Collection: Other and Total Costs

Recorded Thursday, September 10, 2020 | 2:00pm Eastern
$99 for AAA-Members | $198 for Non-Members | Free for ACE Subscribers
Presented by Asbel Montes & Angie McLain
Not only does CMS need information on labor, facilities, vehicles, and equipment costs, they have room for services to submit all other costs that are required to provide ambulance services to patients. By participating in this webinar, you can learn about the many different additional costs you incur, such as accounting costs, IT support, etc., that we often don’t think about but adds to the bottom line. You will also get great ideas on how to correctly allocate these and other costs to multiple NPI’s or your parent organization if needed. Total costs will be defined and explained and the importance of the self-check of total costs compared to revenue is not only necessary data for submission but important for your service to truly understand the cost of service.