URGENT – CALL TO ACTION Congress Still Negotiating Stimulus Package Ambulance Specific Relief Not Yet Included: Act Now!
None of the proposals offered so far on an economic stimulus package to address the impact of COVID-19 include our specific provisions to provide ambulance relief! Negotiators on a final package failed to reach an agreement over the weekend. There is still time to influence the final outcome! Please write to your members of Congress!
There are provisions in the packages that would help businesses, first responders and Medicare providers and suppliers. However, the AAA is advocating for specific help for ambulance services with the prioritization of COVID-19 resources, coverage of services, as well as direct financial assistance. The Congress has heard directly from the AAA about our requests and they need to hear from their constituents about assistance to your operations. If you have not yet contacted your members of Congress, please do so today!
Please e-mail today the health aides for your members of Congress!
It will take you only a few minutes per congressional office to email a letter. Just follow these steps.
1. USE LETTER TEMPLATE: CLICK HERE to access a draft letter. Please customize your letter including the cities and towns you serve, if you are sending to the office of a Senator or Representative and any additional details as to services you are providing during the COVID-19 outbreak and the financial impact on your operation.
2. LOOK UP HEALTH STAFFER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: CLICK HERE to access a list of the name of the health staffer and email address for all congressional offices.
3. SEND E-MAILS TO STAFFERS: Copy and paste the email address of the health staffer and copy and paste the letter as the body of the e-mail and send.
While the Congress may not include all of our requests in this stimulus package, there are likely to be future legislative vehicles in which the AAA will continue to press for passage of additional relief for ambulance service organizations and personnel.