ET3 Update Webinar— RFA

Please join AAA Medicare Consultant Brian S. Werfel, AAA Consultant Kathy Lester, AAA Medicare Regulatory Committee Chair Rebecca Williamson, and AAA Payment Reform Committee Chair Asbel Montes, for a discussion of the latest updates related to the Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport Model (ET3). ET3 is a voluntary 5-year pilot program, under which CMS will test two new payment models for EMS agencies that respond to 911 calls:(1) a payment model that will permit Medicare reimbursement for transportation to treatment destinations other than a hospital and (2) a payment model where Medicare will reimburse for treatment at the scene (rendered in conjunction with a qualified health care practitioner) without a transport. CMS recently released a preview of the Request for Application (RFA), which will be used by EMS agencies to apply for participation in the ET3 model. This document provided a good deal of new information on the contemplated operation of the ET3 model
Topics that will be discussed on the webinar include: the new eligibility criteria for participation, the application process for participation, the revised rates to be paid under the model, performance requirements, and much more. The session will conclude with a Q&A period.