2023 EMS Cost Collection Workshop: Connecticut

Hosted by New Britain EMS – Register directly with NBEMS for this workshop
New Britain Emergency Medical Services, Inc will be hosting an American Ambulance Association Medicare Ground Ambulance Cost Education Seminar on Monday, May 8, 2023, from 0900-1500 hours. The program will be facilitated by Scott Moore, JD, Principal of Moore EMS Consulting, and a member of the American Ambulance Association’s Ambulance Cost Education Faculty.
The program will be held in the Community Education Classroom at the New Britain EMS Academy, 1 Herald Square, Suite 202 in New Britain, CT.
This is an important educational seminar for Ambulance Services selected in:
- Year 1 or Year 2 lists preparing to submit their 2022 data to CMS in 2023.
- Year 3 or 4 lists, collecting data in 2023 to submit to CMS in 2024.
If you are not sure if your agency is selected, Click Here to check the selection lists for your NPI(s).
Who should attend:
- EMS Chiefs
- Directors
- Officers
- Billing Managers
- Anyone Else responsible for their organization’s cost data collection processes.
Cost: $300.00 per participant.
The class size is limited to 18 students. Preference will be given to CT Ambulance Services.
If you do not already have access to Amber, fill out this form before attending the EMS Cost Collection Workshops
Please follow the hyperlink to register: https://nbems.enrollware.com/enroll?id=7886743
All EMS Cost Collection Workshops are approved for NAAC CEUs.