EMS.gov | National Engagement Open Now for NERIS Draft Data Framework
The US Fire Administration (USFA) and Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) have announced the commencement of a national engagement period for the National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS) Draft Data Framework. This period will end on January 19, 2024.
The EMS community is invited to offer feedback on the Draft Core NERIS Data Framework, which includes essential data schemas crucial for NERIS operations, designed to provide the EMS and fire community with the necessary data and tools for improved decision-making and enhanced incident preparedness. These schemas include:
- Incident Data schema, ensuring detailed and accurate recording of incident specifics for effective response and analysis
- Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) schema, designed for capturing incident timing, location, and initial types
- Fire Department Specification schema, characterizing fire department capabilities and community coverage
Access the Draft NERIS Data Framework and submit feedback by January 19, 2024. To submit feedback, access the feedback submission form below after reviewing the Framework.
For accessibility requests or further assistance, please contact NERIS@ul.org.
EMS.gov, National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS)